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Set Up
Q. During set-up can you put one of your units on a city already occupied with your unit or an ally unit?
A. No. One unit one location.
Set up Note: After placing all the disks on cities, we move them slightly off the cities to see the numbers. Then we count as we move them back onto each city. Both sides can count fairly quickly at once. Or, since the total is fixed to 67 (the example in the rulebook is 30+37), you only need to count one side and deduct from 67 for the other. We all help to count one side's points and it's easy and fast.
Q. This is the situation:
- attacker has 3 disks
- defender has 1 disks
- no river so attacker has +2
- attacker places in the reserve 1 card (no matter what kind of card)
- defender places in the reserve 1 card too: Withdrawal card
since defender is the first to deploy his card in reserve, he deploys his Withdrawal card.
Who is the winner of this this battle, and what is the outcome?
A. The Withdrawal card's Deploy effect has no influence on who wins the battle. All it does is prevent the attacker from going up on the chart if the attacker wins.
If the attacker wins the battle without destroying the Withdrawal card, their economic marker does not move on the victory track.
Q. Is the deploy power triggered as soon as a card is played(deployed) in combat? in other words, if defender 1st deploys an infantry card, the power to remove attackers deployed card is lost, since the attacker doesn't have any cards deployed?
A. Correct. If the defender deploys an Infantry as his first card in a combat, it cannot eliminate any cards since no opposing cards are deployed yet.
Q. Can the phasing player stage more than one attack per turn?
A. The phasing player can stage as many attacks as they want, each one just requires at least one card to initiate (as the first card played to reserve).
Q. If I play a card value 3 for mustering can I move the same unit or a group of units three times in a row?
A. Yes, if those specific card points are used for nothing else and there is enough allied space in the cities you are moving through (there can never be more than 4 allied units in a city at any time).
Q. Can I split the points off of a card, some for recruiting and some for movement?
A. Yes.
Q. When Mustering, do I need to perform all of my recruitment before my movement?
A. No. You may muster units, then move them out of a city, then muster more at that city (presumably because you hit the limit of 4 units with the original recruitment).
Q. Can I move units through a town that already has 4 units in it?
A. No, the number of units may never exceed 4.
Q. When the game begins, no player has cards. Does it mean that all players but the first one draw 1 card at the start of the game? Or only if/when they are attacked?
A. Each Player starts the game with a hand of four cards. (found in rules, top of page 2)
Q. Second paragraph of Logistics: Cards states, "If a player does not have a card, and it is not their turn, draw a card."
This sentence is after the paragraph dictating how many cards are drawn by the attacker at the end of his turn.
So do players draw a card on a specific phase or is this sentence always in effect? Can any defending player in this game ever be without cards?
A. The defender (non phasing player) will always and immediately draw a card when his hand is exhausted. If he draws and plays the card, he immediately draws another and so on.
Q. I wonder whether or not during a battle the players lose all the cards they have in reserve at the end of the battle even if never deployed. What we found was that occasionally the winner would win a battle even before all attacking cards were deployed. What happens to these cards?
A. The cards have been committed and are lost to discard pile. The same is true if the attacker declares battle by placing one card into his reserve and the defender does not play a card.General
Q. 1. In 2-player game we may use all discs in all shades right? That is 90 discs for every player?
2. In 4-player game we use all discs or discs in two shades (one shade to each player)? And when we use all discs how we distribute units in third shade?
A. 1. Yes.
2. In a 4-player game, each player should use one shade. If you run out of discs, however, you can use the third shade underneath your own discs to indicate extra units. Players are not limited by the number of discs available in any specific shade.